Episode 219

How to change the change-resistant w/ Pendella CEO, Bob Gaydos

This episode of The Art of Entrepreneurship is for anyone looking for ways to reach an audience that isn’t quite ready to embrace the future of your industry. 

My guest today is Bob Gaydos, the founder and CEO of Pendella, where he leads a team that is automating the insurance underwriting process through AI and big data. Since he has decades of experience with it, I of course had to ask him about making change in notoriously change-resistant places.

We talk through the importance of educating prospects, learning from failure, picking yourself up again and more. Tune in for his insights! 

About Bob Gaydos

Bob Gaydos is the Founder and CEO of Pendella where he leads a team of innovators in the insurance industry, automating the underwriting process through AI and big data. Over the last 10 years, Bob has founded, invested, advised, and operated innovative companies in the benefit & insurance industry, such as Maxwell Health (acquired by Sun Life), Connected Benefits (acquired by GoHealth), Limelight Health (acquired by Fineos), GoCo, and Ideon (formerly Vericred). 



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