Episode 109

Genuine connection & straight talk w/ Amy Volas, Founder & CEO, Avenue Talent Partners

In this episode of Startup Survival, we talk about two of the keys to being successful both personally and professionally: the ability to form deep, genuine connections; and how to talk to people honestly without offending them.

With me today is my friend who is also an informal mentor because I ask her for advice all the time, Amy Volas. Amy helps SaaS startups hire sales executives, and she has tons of experience forming connections quickly and giving people honest feedback to make sure her clients build the right teams.

In this episode, Amy and I discuss how you can grow your connections with others while being kind and honest. Make sure you tune in for her keys to startup success.

About Amy Volas

With more than $100MM in revenue sold, one of LinkedIn's Top Sales Voices, Co-Founder of Thursday Night Sales, and one of Sales Hacker's Most Dynamic Women In Sales, Amy Volas is a sales fanatic turned entrepreneur. She was bitten by the startup bug many moons ago and couldn't imagine spending her time anywhere else. She created Avenue Talent Partners to help with the tremendous task of growing startups through some of their most valuable assets - executive revenue leaders.





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